乔治年代. 安德森


乔治年代. 安德森出生于10月18日, 1871, 在萨拉多河, 德州, the fourth of seven children to Captain Vachel and Malvina 安德森. 他在萨拉多学院读小学, 贝尔县的一所私立学校, 德州, 在那里他吸收了早期德州的文明和文化. 1885年12月, 15岁的时候, George traveled with his father and older brother in a covered wagon to Fisher County, leaving the remainder of the family at their home in Bell County to follow in March 1886. George’s father was a partner in the establishment of the town of Roby in Fisher County.

乔治在罗比继续他的教育, but had already advanced beyond the grades taught in the primitive school. 他的两个兄弟成为了牛仔, 乔治正考虑步他们的后尘, in 1888, 法官R.C. 鹤和W.M. 在史密斯博士的暗中协助下,史密斯建立了. J.D. Davis, the first newspaper in Fisher County, the Fisher County Call. 乔治被雇为印刷工的学徒, performing various duties such as mixing tubs of ink and fetching type in the newspaper office for Dr. 戴维斯,他是排字工. 在被聘用后的三个月内. 戴维斯回到了他的全职医疗实践, leaving George to take over the typesetting and hand press responsibilities. This experience at the printer’s type case supplemented his unfinished education and led him to the career that would span more than seven decades.

在接下来的两年里,我一直在费希尔县打电话, George advanced from his apprentice position to typesetter and assistant pressman, 致广告业务员, 然后和他姐夫一起成为报社的共同所有人. While traveling to nearby communities for ad sales and to collect payments, he became acquainted with leading businessmen in Abilene and the surrounding area.

Shortly before his 20th birthday, George married Minnie Kiefer in 1890. He and Minnie moved from Roby to Abilene in 1893, where he acquired a half-interest with Dr. 乔治•布什(George W. 史密斯 in the publication of the West 德州 Baptist, taking over the interest of Dr. W.C. Friley, who was then retiring from his role as the first president of Simmons College. Dr. 史密斯, who first promoted the idea of building a Baptist college in West 德州, had started and run the paper primarily as a means to promote the establishment of what is now Hardin-Simmons大学.

1894年夏天, 乔治加入了《PG电子官方免费下载》, 阿比林印刷公司出版的一份周报. In 1895, the Abilene Printing Company was placed in receivership with George acting as receiver and John Hoeny, Sr. 担任《PG电子官方免费下载》的编辑. In 1896, George increased the Reporter’s publication rate from weekly to daily, 后来成为了《阿比林日报. George soon sold his receivership and became business manager of the newspaper and the printing business. 后来,他和妹夫成了合伙人, 休·基弗, 阿比林印刷公司的所有权, 之后,乔治又做了几年的报纸编辑.

In 1906, George was one of the principal stockholders in a company organized to publish a regional Baptist newspaper after the Baptist Standard had absorbed what had been the West 德州 Baptist. 这导致了西方福音的建立, 是由乔治和阿比林日报记者发表的吗. 他后来是西德克萨斯浸信会的主要支持者, 直到1943年才出版, 后来被浸信会旗帜报接管.

In 1902, 阿比林印刷公司成立后, 乔治成为了该校的校长, 他在哪里服役到1932年, when he stepped aside and became secretary of the corporation. In 1920, the newspaper part of the business was separated from the job plant and manufacturing end, and in 1924 was incorporated as the Abilene Printing and Stationery Company, 乔治成为了总裁兼总经理. The newspaper was then incorporated under the name Reporter Publishing Company. By 1946, the two companies still remained closely affiliated. The printing and stationery company was doing a considerable business as printers, 生产文具店, 经营一家文具零售商店. And the publishing company continued to publish what had then become the Abilene Reporter-PG电子游戏, 上午版和下午版. 当时, George humbly gave much of the credit for the success of the business to his partner, M.B. Hanks, who had, since 1932, been largely responsible for the management of the paper.

George became a deacon of the Baptist church in Roby before he was 20 years old, 1893年,他加入了阿比林第一浸信会, 他也被任命为那里的执事. He served as deacon at First Baptist for the remainder of his life, 在一所女子主日学校教了18年的课, and was a member of the finance committee there for over 30 years.

George had faithfully served on boards and committees for the betterment of Abilene for the 72 years he lived there. 1964年他去世时, George continued to serve as chairman of the First National Bank board of directors, chairman of the board of directors of The Reporter Publishing Company, 阿比林印刷和文具公司的总裁. 另外, he was at that time senior trustee and executive committeeman of Hardin-Simmons大学, 任职时间最长的HSU受托人, 61年.

自1903年起担任大的受托人, he had long supported Hardin-Simmons both financially and with his time, 1957年, 在敏妮死后不久, 男生宿舍, 安德森大厅, 以他们的名字命名. George was also chairman of the board and financial supporter of Hendrick Memorial Hospital. 1963年,米妮. 安德森 building at Hendrick was opened, supported largely by funds from Minnie’s estate.

乔治继续活跃着, 据报道,在他90岁生日那天, he started his birthday much in the same manner as all his days: “He arose around 5:00, 自己做早餐, 早上七点半或八点左右在他办公室.m. where he stayed until around 11:30 when he went to the Wooten Coffee Shop for lunch.他安静地度过了这一天, 坚持不庆祝, just as he had been against any appreciation event in his honor.

在Mr. 安德森’s death in 1964, Hardin-Simmons大学 vice president W.T. 沃尔顿这样评价他:“总是这样. 安德森 considered the needs of the youth of the community and the needs of the sick of the community more important than items of luxury for himself. Through the years he has been laying up treasures in heaven through gifts of love to his fellow man. His moral support in the affairs of the school and the community and his wonderful example of Christian stewardship made him one of the truly great men of our area. 我们会非常想念他的.”

It is the high honor of Hardin-Simmons大学 to recognize one of her own and to formally induct 乔治年代. 安德森走进了哈佛大学的领导大厅.