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Explore what it takes to lead a classroom of young children and make a positive impact on your community. Elementary education majors learn innovative ways to approach teaching and positively influence attitudes toward learning for our nation’s youngest minds. 拥有初等教育学位, 你将准备好领导一个课堂,并给你的学生留下持久的影响.

Pursue your passion for education and start making an impact on the lives of young children with an elementary education degree from Hardin-Simmons University. We emphasize the real-world application of the latest theories in teaching to prepare you to become a skilled and caring EC-6 classroom teacher who can inspire students to reach for greatness.

小学教育者不仅仅是教师. 他们是领导的典范. 他们是未来的领导者和思想家. For over a century, our interdisciplinary generalist program has provided elementary education majors with the skills and knowledge to succeed every day they enter the classroom.


当你在HSU主修基础教育时, you’ll have many opportunities to apply your knowledge in real classrooms working with young children. 您将设计和实施教学活动,与EC-6的孩子进行一对一的交流, small group, 以及大型小组教学.

For example, every course you take as an elementary education major will offer you the chance to work with children in public classrooms, in workshops, mentoring and tutoring, 在学前班的教室里. You’ll graduate with a robust resume and a multitude of stories to tell during interviews that speak to your strengths as a teacher.


我们的教师预备课程的候选人必须满足我们的教师预备课程中列出的某些要求 入学要求文件.







作为一名在HSU主修基础教育的学生, you’ll benefit from small class sizes in which you work closely with our distinguished faculty and learn from their years of experience. 许多人曾担任中学教师, assistant principals, 或者在公立学校当了20多年的老师.


我们大多数小学教育专业的学生彼此之间建立了终身的关系, 以及教职员工和与他们一起工作的社区人员. We encourage collaboration in group projects and classroom implementation—preparing you to work as a team member wherever you go in your career.


当你在HSU获得基础教育学士学位时, you’ll have access to the Hardin-Simmons University Educator Preparation Program (EPP) that prepares you to use technology and media effectively in the classroom to improve teaching and learning and increase student academic achievement. Our graduates boast a 100% first time pass rate on the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities exam.


Earning an elementary education degree from HSU is your key to a wide variety of careers working with young children in settings as diverse as daycare centers, 辅导和课后活动, public schools, and private schools. Graduates who earn their bachelor’s in elementary education from HSU are sought-after both in Texas and around the nation for their experience and expertise.

你也会从毕业后的工作保障中受益. 根据美国劳工统计局(BLS), 未来十年,幼儿园和小学教师的就业预计将增长7%, adding more than 124,000 new openings each year.



“The classes and experiences from my professors at the Irvin School of Education have allowed me to be well prepared both in my profession and advancing my continuing education. 毕业后的12年里, 在GT项目教学之前,我有机会教过2 -5年级. I have served on committees that have written curriculum for Grapevine-Colleyville ISD and Coppell ISD, 曾在几所大学做过演讲嘉宾,讨论我的教育经历. HSU是我成为今天的教育者的跳板.”

Hillary (McIntyre) Brown


Program Details

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  • 通过基础教育学位课程认证

    在HSU获得了基础教育学士学位, 您将成功完成以下基础教育学位认证考试:

    • 德克萨斯州教育标准考试(TExES)核心科目EC-6(391)考试
    • 德克萨斯州教育标准考试(TExES)阅读教学科学(STR)考试(293)
    • 德克萨斯州教育标准考试(TExES) EC-12教学法 & 专业责任(PPR) (160)
    • 德克萨斯州教育标准考试(TExES)英语作为第二语言(ESL)考试(154)

    Graduate with your degree in elementary education prepared to step into the classroom and start inspiring young children.

  • 基础教育专业奖学金及奖励

    When you choose to major in elementary education at HSU and dedicate your career to teaching young children, 你为自己和学生做了投资,他们将从你的领导中受益. That’s why we invest in supporting you financially on your journey to earn a bachelor’s in elementary education. The Irvin Teacher Preparation Program offers multiple teacher education scholarships to help you pay for your elementary education degree. 你也可能有资格获得一般经济援助.


  • Accredited Program

    The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and Texas Education Agency (TEA) Office of Accountability has awarded Hardin-Simmons University Teacher Education Program a rating of “Accredited” under the Accountability System for Educator Preparation authorized by Texas Education Code 21.自评比以来,每年都有45家教师培养单位获得奖励. Educator preparation programs are held accountable for the performance of their graduates on the state credentialing examinations required for certification. 程序必须达到按分类子组(全部)进行测试的最低通过率, Male, Female, White, Hispanic, African American, 其他)获得“合格”评级.”

    TEA Complaint Process

    Title II Data

  • HSU EPP Technology

    Hardin-Simmons University Educator Preparation Program (EPP) begins teacher certification coursework with a freshman level educational technology course that introduces future teachers to the standards developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).  这些标准要求学生扮演学习者的角色, Leader, Citizen, Collaborator, Designer, Facilitator, and Analyst.  在技术课上, EPP教员使用SAMR(替代), augmentation, modification, 或重新定义任务或产品)和RAT(替换), amplification, or transformation) models of instruction within the course applications while introducing real-world connections with the Google’s G-Suite for Education (i.e.,文档,教室,表格,表格等.).  在所有认证项目的EPP教学课程中, 学院要求未来的教师申请, analyze, evaluate, and create technological integrations within instruction and assessments for course requirements.  Ultimately, all HSU education majors are given an opportunity to gain Level 1 Google Certification prior to graduation.

    Hardin-Simmons University EPP prepares teachers to use technology effectively to improve teaching and learning for the purpose of increasing student academic achievement in various junior and senior level content and pedagogical classes.  Future teachers focus on analyzing data from informal reading and writing assessments to determine differentiated instruction for diverse learners as well as analyzing sub-populations, frequency distribution, 脚手架TEKS,以缩小成就差距(如.e., Eduphoria, Lead4ward, IXL, MobyMax, iStation, Success Maker, Education Galaxy, Starfall, Pebble Go, 和形成循环)在高级顶点课程.

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